Inheritance diagram for CP_WindowListHeader:
Drag Target | |
virtual void | OnDragEnter (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, bool inDragHasLeftSender) |
virtual void | OnDragLeave (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | OnDragTrack (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
static CP_M_DragTarget * | FindDragTarget (OSWindow inOSWindow, CP_Point &inMouseLocation, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Public Member Functions | |
void | InitFromOSControl (CP_View *inSuperview, OSControl inOSControl) |
virtual void | SetForeBackColors () |
virtual LRESULT | HandleWinHelperProcMessage (HWND hwnd, UINT iMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
void | DrawViewHierachy () |
void | SetLocationAndSubs (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
CP_ViewBackground * | GetViewBackground () |
void | SetViewBackground (CP_ViewBackground *inViewBackground) |
virtual CP_RGBColor | GetBackColor () |
virtual void | HandleMouseDown (CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
virtual void | HandleMouseUp (CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
void | SetID (FourCharCode inIdentifier) |
FourCharCode | GetID () |
void | RegisterSignal (const CP_SignalHolder &inSignal) |
CP_DataValueSignal * | FindSignal (const CP_String &inSignalName) |
UInt32 | GetNumberSignals () |
CP_String | GetNthSignalName (UInt32 inSignalIndex) |
void | RegisterSlot (const CP_SlotHolder &inSlot) |
CP_DataValueSlot | FindSlot (const CP_String &inSlotName) |
UInt32 | GetNumberSlots () |
CP_String | GetNthSlotName (UInt32 inSlotIndex) |
template<class R, class P1, class P2> | |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | Connect (CPLAT::CP_CommandNo cmd, void(R::*handler)(P1, P2), SInt32 mode) |
template<class R, class P1, class P2> | |
void | Connect (CP_Object *control, const CPLAT::CP_String &signalName, void(R::*handler)(P1, P2)) |
void | disconnect_all () |
void | signal_connect (CP_Signal *inSender) |
void | signal_disconnect (CP_Signal *inSender) |
void | ClearFlavors () |
virtual void | OnDragEnter (LPDATAOBJECT pIDataSource, DWORD grfKeyState, POINTL pt, LPDWORD pdwEffect) |
virtual void | OnDragLeave () |
void | SetTargetWindow (OSWindow inWindow) |
virtual void | OnDragOver (DWORD grfKeyState, POINTL pt, LPDWORD pdwEffect) |
virtual void | OnDrop (LPDATAOBJECT pIDataSource, DWORD grfKeyState, POINTL pt, LPDWORD pdwEffect) |
CP_Point | GetDropPoint () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Getters | |
OSControl | GetOSControl () |
Signal / Slots | |
void | SendValueChangedSignal (SInt32 inValue) |
void | SetValueSlot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommand (UInt32 inCommand) |
virtual void | SetFontSpec (CP_FontSpec &inFontSpec) |
Title / text | |
virtual void | SetTitle (const CP_String &inText) |
Value | |
virtual SInt32 | GetValue () |
virtual void | SetValue (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMin () |
virtual void | SetMin (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMax () |
virtual void | SetMax (SInt32 inValue) |
Control Data | |
void | GetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData, Size *outDataSize) const |
void | SetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Getters | |
OSControl | GetOSControl () |
Signal / Slots | |
void | SendValueChangedSignal (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual void | HandleCommandProcess (CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
void | SetValueSlot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommand (UInt32 inCommand) |
virtual void | SetFontSpec (CP_FontSpec &inFontSpec) |
Title / text | |
virtual void | SetTitle (const CP_String &inText) |
Value | |
virtual SInt32 | GetValue () |
virtual void | SetValue (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMin () |
virtual void | SetMin (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMax () |
virtual void | SetMax (SInt32 inValue) |
Control Data | |
void | GetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData, Size *outDataSize) const |
void | SetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Getters | |
OSControl | GetOSControl () |
Signal / Slots | |
void | SendValueChangedSignal (SInt32 inValue) |
void | SetValueSlot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommand (UInt32 inCommand) |
virtual void | SetFontSpec (CP_FontSpec &inFontSpec) |
Title / text | |
virtual void | SetTitle (const CP_String &inText) |
Value | |
virtual SInt32 | GetValue () |
virtual SInt32 | GetMin () |
virtual void | SetMin (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMax () |
virtual void | SetMax (SInt32 inValue) |
Control Data | |
void | GetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData, Size *outDataSize) const |
void | SetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Getters | |
OSControl | GetOSControl () |
Signal / Slots | |
void | SendValueChangedSignal (SInt32 inValue) |
void | SetValueSlot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommand (UInt32 inCommand) |
virtual void | SetFontSpec (CP_FontSpec &inFontSpec) |
Title / text | |
virtual void | SetTitle (const CP_String &inText) |
Value | |
virtual SInt32 | GetValue () |
virtual void | SetValue (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMin () |
virtual void | SetMin (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMax () |
virtual void | SetMax (SInt32 inValue) |
Control Data | |
void | GetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData, Size *outDataSize) const |
void | SetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Getters | |
OSControl | GetOSControl () |
Signal / Slots | |
void | SendValueChangedSignal (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual void | HandleCommandProcess (CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
void | SetValueSlot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommand (UInt32 inCommand) |
virtual void | SetFontSpec (CP_FontSpec &inFontSpec) |
Title / text | |
virtual void | SetTitle (const CP_String &inText) |
Value | |
virtual SInt32 | GetValue () |
virtual void | SetValue (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMin () |
virtual void | SetMin (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMax () |
virtual void | SetMax (SInt32 inValue) |
Control Data | |
void | GetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData, Size *outDataSize) const |
void | SetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Getters | |
OSControl | GetOSControl () |
Signal / Slots | |
void | SendValueChangedSignal (SInt32 inValue) |
void | SetValueSlot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommand (UInt32 inCommand) |
virtual void | SetFontSpec (CP_FontSpec &inFontSpec) |
Title / text | |
virtual void | SetTitle (const CP_String &inText) |
Value | |
virtual SInt32 | GetValue () |
virtual void | SetValue (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMin () |
virtual void | SetMin (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMax () |
virtual void | SetMax (SInt32 inValue) |
Control Data | |
void | GetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData, Size *outDataSize) const |
void | SetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Getters | |
OSControl | GetOSControl () |
Signal / Slots | |
void | SendValueChangedSignal (SInt32 inValue) |
void | SetValueSlot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommand (UInt32 inCommand) |
virtual void | SetFontSpec (CP_FontSpec &inFontSpec) |
Title / text | |
virtual void | SetTitle (const CP_String &inText) |
Value | |
virtual SInt32 | GetValue () |
virtual void | SetValue (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMin () |
virtual void | SetMin (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMax () |
virtual void | SetMax (SInt32 inValue) |
Control Data | |
void | GetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData, Size *outDataSize) const |
void | SetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drawing | |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
Appearance | |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drawing | |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
Appearance | |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Getters | |
OSControl | GetOSControl () |
Signal / Slots | |
void | SendValueChangedSignal (SInt32 inValue) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommand (UInt32 inCommand) |
virtual void | SetFontSpec (CP_FontSpec &inFontSpec) |
Title / text | |
virtual void | SetTitle (const CP_String &inText) |
Value | |
virtual SInt32 | GetMin () |
virtual void | SetMin (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMax () |
virtual void | SetMax (SInt32 inValue) |
Control Data | |
void | GetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData, Size *outDataSize) const |
void | SetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Getters | |
OSControl | GetOSControl () |
Signal / Slots | |
void | SendValueChangedSignal (SInt32 inValue) |
void | SetValueSlot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommand (UInt32 inCommand) |
virtual void | SetFontSpec (CP_FontSpec &inFontSpec) |
Title / text | |
virtual void | SetTitle (const CP_String &inText) |
Value | |
virtual SInt32 | GetValue () |
virtual void | SetValue (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMin () |
virtual void | SetMin (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMax () |
virtual void | SetMax (SInt32 inValue) |
Control Data | |
void | GetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData, Size *outDataSize) const |
void | SetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Getters | |
OSControl | GetOSControl () |
Signal / Slots | |
void | SendValueChangedSignal (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual void | HandleCommandProcess (CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
void | SetValueSlot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommand (UInt32 inCommand) |
virtual void | SetFontSpec (CP_FontSpec &inFontSpec) |
Title / text | |
virtual void | SetTitle (const CP_String &inText) |
Value | |
virtual SInt32 | GetValue () |
virtual void | SetValue (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMin () |
virtual void | SetMin (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMax () |
virtual void | SetMax (SInt32 inValue) |
Control Data | |
void | GetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData, Size *outDataSize) const |
void | SetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Getters | |
OSControl | GetOSControl () |
Signal / Slots | |
void | SendValueChangedSignal (SInt32 inValue) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommand (UInt32 inCommand) |
virtual void | SetFontSpec (CP_FontSpec &inFontSpec) |
Title / text | |
virtual void | SetTitle (const CP_String &inText) |
Value | |
virtual SInt32 | GetMin () |
virtual void | SetMin (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMax () |
virtual void | SetMax (SInt32 inValue) |
Control Data | |
void | GetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData, Size *outDataSize) const |
void | SetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Getters | |
OSControl | GetOSControl () |
Signal / Slots | |
void | SendValueChangedSignal (SInt32 inValue) |
void | SetValueSlot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommand (UInt32 inCommand) |
virtual void | SetFontSpec (CP_FontSpec &inFontSpec) |
Title / text | |
virtual void | SetTitle (const CP_String &inText) |
Value | |
virtual SInt32 | GetValue () |
virtual void | SetValue (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMin () |
virtual void | SetMin (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMax () |
virtual void | SetMax (SInt32 inValue) |
Control Data | |
void | GetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData, Size *outDataSize) const |
void | SetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drawing | |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
Appearance | |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drawing | |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
Appearance | |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drawing | |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
Appearance | |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Getters | |
OSControl | GetOSControl () |
Signal / Slots | |
void | SendValueChangedSignal (SInt32 inValue) |
void | SetValueSlot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommand (UInt32 inCommand) |
virtual void | SetFontSpec (CP_FontSpec &inFontSpec) |
Title / text | |
virtual void | SetTitle (const CP_String &inText) |
Value | |
virtual SInt32 | GetValue () |
virtual void | SetValue (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMin () |
virtual void | SetMin (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMax () |
virtual void | SetMax (SInt32 inValue) |
Control Data | |
void | GetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData, Size *outDataSize) const |
void | SetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Getters | |
OSControl | GetOSControl () |
Signal / Slots | |
void | SendValueChangedSignal (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual void | HandleCommandProcess (CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
void | SetValueSlot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommand (UInt32 inCommand) |
virtual void | SetFontSpec (CP_FontSpec &inFontSpec) |
Title / text | |
virtual void | SetTitle (const CP_String &inText) |
Value | |
virtual SInt32 | GetValue () |
virtual void | SetValue (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMin () |
virtual void | SetMin (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMax () |
virtual void | SetMax (SInt32 inValue) |
Control Data | |
void | GetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData, Size *outDataSize) const |
void | SetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Getters | |
OSControl | GetOSControl () |
Signal / Slots | |
void | SendValueChangedSignal (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual void | HandleCommandProcess (CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
void | SetValueSlot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommand (UInt32 inCommand) |
virtual void | SetFontSpec (CP_FontSpec &inFontSpec) |
Title / text | |
virtual void | SetTitle (const CP_String &inText) |
Value | |
virtual SInt32 | GetValue () |
virtual void | SetValue (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMin () |
virtual void | SetMin (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMax () |
virtual void | SetMax (SInt32 inValue) |
Control Data | |
void | GetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData, Size *outDataSize) const |
void | SetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Getters | |
OSControl | GetOSControl () |
Signal / Slots | |
void | SendValueChangedSignal (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual void | HandleCommandProcess (CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
void | SetValueSlot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommand (UInt32 inCommand) |
virtual void | SetFontSpec (CP_FontSpec &inFontSpec) |
Title / text | |
virtual void | SetTitle (const CP_String &inText) |
Value | |
virtual SInt32 | GetValue () |
virtual void | SetValue (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMin () |
virtual void | SetMin (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMax () |
virtual void | SetMax (SInt32 inValue) |
Control Data | |
void | GetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData, Size *outDataSize) const |
void | SetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Getters | |
OSControl | GetOSControl () |
Signal / Slots | |
void | SendValueChangedSignal (SInt32 inValue) |
void | SetValueSlot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommand (UInt32 inCommand) |
virtual void | SetFontSpec (CP_FontSpec &inFontSpec) |
Title / text | |
virtual void | SetTitle (const CP_String &inText) |
Value | |
virtual SInt32 | GetValue () |
virtual SInt32 | GetMin () |
virtual void | SetMin (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMax () |
virtual void | SetMax (SInt32 inValue) |
Control Data | |
void | GetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData, Size *outDataSize) const |
void | SetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Getters | |
OSControl | GetOSControl () |
Signal / Slots | |
void | SendValueChangedSignal (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual void | HandleCommandProcess (CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
void | SetValueSlot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommand (UInt32 inCommand) |
virtual void | SetFontSpec (CP_FontSpec &inFontSpec) |
Title / text | |
virtual void | SetTitle (const CP_String &inText) |
Value | |
virtual SInt32 | GetValue () |
virtual void | SetValue (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMin () |
virtual void | SetMin (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMax () |
virtual void | SetMax (SInt32 inValue) |
Control Data | |
void | GetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData, Size *outDataSize) const |
void | SetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Getters | |
OSControl | GetOSControl () |
Signal / Slots | |
void | SendValueChangedSignal (SInt32 inValue) |
void | SetValueSlot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommand (UInt32 inCommand) |
virtual void | SetFontSpec (CP_FontSpec &inFontSpec) |
Title / text | |
virtual void | SetTitle (const CP_String &inText) |
Value | |
virtual SInt32 | GetValue () |
virtual SInt32 | GetMin () |
virtual void | SetMin (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMax () |
virtual void | SetMax (SInt32 inValue) |
Control Data | |
void | GetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData, Size *outDataSize) const |
void | SetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Getters | |
OSControl | GetOSControl () |
Signal / Slots | |
void | SendValueChangedSignal (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual void | HandleCommandProcess (CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
void | SetValueSlot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommand (UInt32 inCommand) |
virtual void | SetFontSpec (CP_FontSpec &inFontSpec) |
Title / text | |
virtual void | SetTitle (const CP_String &inText) |
Control Data | |
void | GetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData, Size *outDataSize) const |
void | SetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Getters | |
OSControl | GetOSControl () |
Signal / Slots | |
void | SendValueChangedSignal (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual void | HandleCommandProcess (CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
void | SetValueSlot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommand (UInt32 inCommand) |
virtual void | SetFontSpec (CP_FontSpec &inFontSpec) |
Title / text | |
virtual void | SetTitle (const CP_String &inText) |
Value | |
virtual SInt32 | GetValue () |
virtual void | SetValue (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMin () |
virtual void | SetMin (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMax () |
virtual void | SetMax (SInt32 inValue) |
Control Data | |
void | GetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData, Size *outDataSize) const |
void | SetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Appearance | |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Getters | |
OSControl | GetOSControl () |
Signal / Slots | |
void | SendValueChangedSignal (SInt32 inValue) |
void | SetValueSlot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommand (UInt32 inCommand) |
virtual void | SetFontSpec (CP_FontSpec &inFontSpec) |
Title / text | |
virtual void | SetTitle (const CP_String &inText) |
Value | |
virtual SInt32 | GetValue () |
virtual SInt32 | GetMin () |
virtual void | SetMin (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMax () |
virtual void | SetMax (SInt32 inValue) |
Control Data | |
void | GetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData, Size *outDataSize) const |
void | SetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Getters | |
OSControl | GetOSControl () |
Signal / Slots | |
void | SendValueChangedSignal (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual void | HandleCommandProcess (CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
void | SetValueSlot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommand (UInt32 inCommand) |
virtual void | SetFontSpec (CP_FontSpec &inFontSpec) |
Title / text | |
virtual void | SetTitle (const CP_String &inText) |
Value | |
virtual SInt32 | GetValue () |
virtual SInt32 | GetMin () |
virtual void | SetMin (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMax () |
virtual void | SetMax (SInt32 inValue) |
Control Data | |
void | GetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData, Size *outDataSize) const |
void | SetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Getters | |
OSControl | GetOSControl () |
Signal / Slots | |
void | SendValueChangedSignal (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual void | HandleCommandProcess (CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
void | SetValueSlot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommand (UInt32 inCommand) |
virtual void | SetFontSpec (CP_FontSpec &inFontSpec) |
Title / text | |
virtual void | SetTitle (const CP_String &inText) |
Value | |
virtual SInt32 | GetValue () |
virtual void | SetValue (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMin () |
virtual void | SetMin (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMax () |
virtual void | SetMax (SInt32 inValue) |
Control Data | |
void | GetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData, Size *outDataSize) const |
void | SetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Getters | |
OSControl | GetOSControl () |
Signal / Slots | |
void | SendValueChangedSignal (SInt32 inValue) |
void | SetValueSlot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommand (UInt32 inCommand) |
virtual void | SetFontSpec (CP_FontSpec &inFontSpec) |
Title / text | |
virtual void | SetTitle (const CP_String &inText) |
Value | |
virtual SInt32 | GetValue () |
virtual void | SetValue (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMin () |
virtual void | SetMin (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMax () |
virtual void | SetMax (SInt32 inValue) |
Control Data | |
void | GetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData, Size *outDataSize) const |
void | SetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Getters | |
OSControl | GetOSControl () |
Signal / Slots | |
void | SendValueChangedSignal (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual void | HandleCommandProcess (CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
void | SetValueSlot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommand (UInt32 inCommand) |
virtual void | SetFontSpec (CP_FontSpec &inFontSpec) |
Title / text | |
virtual void | SetTitle (const CP_String &inText) |
Control Data | |
void | GetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData, Size *outDataSize) const |
void | SetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Getters | |
OSControl | GetOSControl () |
Signal / Slots | |
void | SendValueChangedSignal (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual void | HandleCommandProcess (CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
void | SetValueSlot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommand (UInt32 inCommand) |
virtual void | SetFontSpec (CP_FontSpec &inFontSpec) |
Title / text | |
virtual void | SetTitle (const CP_String &inText) |
Value | |
virtual SInt32 | GetValue () |
virtual void | SetValue (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMin () |
virtual void | SetMin (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMax () |
virtual void | SetMax (SInt32 inValue) |
Control Data | |
void | GetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData, Size *outDataSize) const |
void | SetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Getters | |
OSControl | GetOSControl () |
Signal / Slots | |
void | SendValueChangedSignal (SInt32 inValue) |
void | SetValueSlot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommand (UInt32 inCommand) |
virtual void | SetFontSpec (CP_FontSpec &inFontSpec) |
Title / text | |
virtual void | SetTitle (const CP_String &inText) |
Value | |
virtual SInt32 | GetValue () |
virtual void | SetValue (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMin () |
virtual void | SetMin (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMax () |
virtual void | SetMax (SInt32 inValue) |
Control Data | |
void | GetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData, Size *outDataSize) const |
void | SetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Getters | |
OSControl | GetOSControl () |
Signal / Slots | |
void | SendValueChangedSignal (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual void | HandleCommandProcess (CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
void | SetValueSlot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommand (UInt32 inCommand) |
virtual void | SetFontSpec (CP_FontSpec &inFontSpec) |
Title / text | |
virtual void | SetTitle (const CP_String &inText) |
Value | |
virtual SInt32 | GetValue () |
virtual void | SetValue (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMin () |
virtual void | SetMin (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMax () |
virtual void | SetMax (SInt32 inValue) |
Control Data | |
void | GetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData, Size *outDataSize) const |
void | SetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drawing | |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
Appearance | |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Getters | |
OSControl | GetOSControl () |
Signal / Slots | |
void | SendValueChangedSignal (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual void | HandleCommandProcess (CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
void | SetValueSlot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommand (UInt32 inCommand) |
virtual void | SetFontSpec (CP_FontSpec &inFontSpec) |
Title / text | |
virtual void | SetTitle (const CP_String &inText) |
Control Data | |
void | GetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData, Size *outDataSize) const |
void | SetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Getters | |
OSControl | GetOSControl () |
Signal / Slots | |
void | SendValueChangedSignal (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual void | HandleCommandProcess (CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
void | SetValueSlot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommand (UInt32 inCommand) |
Value | |
virtual SInt32 | GetValue () |
virtual SInt32 | GetMin () |
virtual void | SetMin (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMax () |
virtual void | SetMax (SInt32 inValue) |
Control Data | |
void | GetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData, Size *outDataSize) const |
void | SetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Getters | |
OSControl | GetOSControl () |
Signal / Slots | |
void | SendValueChangedSignal (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual void | HandleCommandProcess (CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
void | SetValueSlot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommand (UInt32 inCommand) |
virtual void | SetFontSpec (CP_FontSpec &inFontSpec) |
Title / text | |
virtual void | SetTitle (const CP_String &inText) |
Value | |
virtual SInt32 | GetValue () |
virtual void | SetValue (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMin () |
virtual void | SetMin (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMax () |
virtual void | SetMax (SInt32 inValue) |
Control Data | |
void | GetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData, Size *outDataSize) const |
void | SetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Getters | |
OSControl | GetOSControl () |
Signal / Slots | |
void | SendValueChangedSignal (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual void | HandleCommandProcess (CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
void | SetValueSlot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommand (UInt32 inCommand) |
virtual void | SetFontSpec (CP_FontSpec &inFontSpec) |
Title / text | |
virtual void | SetTitle (const CP_String &inText) |
Value | |
virtual SInt32 | GetValue () |
virtual SInt32 | GetMin () |
virtual void | SetMin (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMax () |
virtual void | SetMax (SInt32 inValue) |
Control Data | |
void | GetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData, Size *outDataSize) const |
void | SetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData) |
Appearance | |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Getters | |
OSControl | GetOSControl () |
Signal / Slots | |
void | SendValueChangedSignal (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual void | HandleCommandProcess (CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
void | SetValueSlot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommand (UInt32 inCommand) |
virtual void | SetFontSpec (CP_FontSpec &inFontSpec) |
Title / text | |
virtual void | SetTitle (const CP_String &inText) |
Value | |
virtual SInt32 | GetValue () |
virtual void | SetValue (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMin () |
virtual void | SetMin (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMax () |
virtual void | SetMax (SInt32 inValue) |
Control Data | |
void | GetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData, Size *outDataSize) const |
void | SetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drawing | |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
Appearance | |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Appearance | |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Getters | |
OSControl | GetOSControl () |
Signal / Slots | |
void | SendValueChangedSignal (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual void | HandleCommandProcess (CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
void | SetValueSlot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommand (UInt32 inCommand) |
virtual void | SetFontSpec (CP_FontSpec &inFontSpec) |
Title / text | |
virtual void | SetTitle (const CP_String &inText) |
Value | |
virtual SInt32 | GetValue () |
virtual void | SetValue (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMin () |
virtual void | SetMin (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMax () |
virtual void | SetMax (SInt32 inValue) |
Control Data | |
void | GetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData, Size *outDataSize) const |
void | SetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Constructor / Destructor | |
CP_WindowListHeader () | |
Constructor. | |
CP_WindowListHeader (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, kCP_E_WindowHeaderStyle inStyle=kCP_E_WindowHeaderStyle_Default) | |
virtual | ~CP_WindowListHeader () throw () |
Destructor. | |
Getters | |
bool | GetSortDirection () |
Items | |
void | AddItem (CP_S_WindoListItemInfo &inItemInfo) |
void | InsertItem (CP_S_WindoListItemInfo &inItemInfo, UInt32 inIndex) |
void | DeleteItem (UInt32 inIndex) |
void | SetItem (const CP_S_WindoListItemInfo &inItemInfo, UInt32 inIndex) |
CP_S_WindoListItemInfo | GetItem (const UInt32 inColumn) |
UInt32 | GetItemCount () |
Setters | |
void | SetSortDirection (bool inSortDirection) |
Getters | |
OSControl | GetOSControl () |
Signal / Slots | |
void | SendValueChangedSignal (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual void | HandleCommandProcess (CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
void | SetValueSlot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommand (UInt32 inCommand) |
virtual void | SetFontSpec (CP_FontSpec &inFontSpec) |
Title / text | |
virtual void | SetTitle (const CP_String &inText) |
Value | |
virtual SInt32 | GetValue () |
virtual void | SetValue (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMin () |
virtual void | SetMin (SInt32 inValue) |
virtual SInt32 | GetMax () |
virtual void | SetMax (SInt32 inValue) |
Control Data | |
void | GetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData, Size *outDataSize) const |
void | SetControlDataTag (SInt16 inPartCode, FourCharCode inDataTag, Size inDataSize, void *inData) |
Appearance | |
void | Show () |
void | Hide () |
void | Activate () |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Enable () |
void | Disable () |
bool | IsFocused () |
void | SetFocused (bool inFocused) |
virtual bool | CanLoseFocus () |
bool | FocusCanChange () |
void | LosingFocus () |
Events | |
void | HandleActivationEvent () |
void | HandleDeactivationEvent () |
Frame | |
virtual void | HandleBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Help | |
virtual void | SetHelp (const CP_String &inHelpString, const CP_String &inSecondaryHelpString) |
virtual void | SetHelp (SInt16 inHelpStringResID, SInt16 inHelpStringIndex, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringResID=0, SInt16 inSecondaryHelpStringIndex=0) |
Movement | |
virtual void | Move (const CP_Point &inDistance) |
Positioners | |
void | SetLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Printing | |
virtual void | OnBeginPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | OnPrint (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, UInt32 inPageNumber, CP_Printer_PageFormat pageFormat) |
virtual void | OnEndPrinting (CP_Printer *) |
virtual void | CountTiles (CP_Printer *inPrinter, CP_Printer_PageFormat &pageFormat, UInt16 *inOutHorTiles, UInt16 *inOutVerTiles) |
CP_Point | GetPrintLocation () |
CP_Size | GetPrintSize () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalPrintBounds () |
void | SetPrintLocation (const CP_Point &inLocation) |
void | SetPrintSize (const CP_Size &inSize) |
Superview | |
virtual void | AddSubview (CP_View *inView) |
Testers | |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsContainer () const |
Container | |
GtkWidget * | GetContentAreaContainer () |
void | SetContentAreaContainer (GtkWidget *inContentAreaContainer) |
Coordinates | |
virtual void | GlobalToPort (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | GlobalToLocal (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
void | PortToLocal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
virtual void | PortToGlobal (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
void | LocalToPort (CP_Rect &inPortRect) |
Data | |
void | GetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, void *inData) |
void | SetData (UInt32 inTagName, SInt32 inDataSize, const void *inData) |
OLE interface | |
HRESULT | SetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
HRESULT | EnumFormatEtc (DWORD dwDir, LPENUMFORMATETC *lpEnum) |
HRESULT | GetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
HRESULT | QueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
HRESULT | DUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
Drag Drop | |
virtual void | HandleDragReceive (CP_DragDrop &) |
Getters | |
virtual CP_EventHandler & | GetEventHandler () |
virtual CP_Window * | GetContainingWindow () |
CP_View * | GetSuperview () |
CP_Rect | GetLocalBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetPortBounds () |
virtual CP_Rect | GetContentBounds () |
virtual CP_Point | GetLocation () const |
virtual CP_Size | GetSize () const |
UInt32 | GetCommandID () |
Drawing | |
virtual CP_Canvas | SetupForDrawing () |
void | FinishDrawing (CP_Canvas &drawCanvas) |
void | HandleDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Region &inInvalidArea) |
void | Invalidate (const CP_Rect &inInvalidArea) |
virtual void | Refresh () |
Flags | |
UInt32 | GetFlags () |
void | SetFlags (UInt32 inFlags) |
Frame Adapter | |
void | SetFrameAdapter (CP_FrameAdapter *inAdapter) |
Mouse Events | |
virtual void | HandleMouseMoved (CP_Event_Base &, const CP_Point &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseEntered (CP_Event_Base &) |
virtual void | HandleMouseExited (CP_Event_Base &) |
Setters | |
void | SetCommandID (UInt32 inCommandID) |
virtual void | SetPortBounds (const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Signal / Slots | |
void | Show_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Hide_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Activate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Deactivate_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Enable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
void | Disable_Slot (CP_DataValueHolder &inValue, OSStatus &inOutStatus) |
Superview | |
void | AdjustToSuperview (CP_View *inView) |
View Imp Base | |
void | SetViewImpBase (CP_View_Imp_Base *inViewImpBase) |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | GetViewImpBase () |
Testers | |
bool | ContainsPoint (const CP_Point &inPortPoint) |
Events | |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleHitTest (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleTracking (const CP_Point &inMouseLocation, ControlActionUPP actionProc) |
virtual ControlPartCode | HandleFocus (ControlFocusPart inFocusPart) |
virtual void | HandleActivate (Boolean inActivating) |
virtual void | HandleKeyDown (SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers) |
Initialization | |
void | InitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
void | FinishPersist () |
Command Status | |
bool | UpdateCommandStatus (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus) |
virtual bool | UpdateCommandStatusForAppState (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandStatus &inOutCommandStatus, CP_Command *inCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Handling | |
OSStatus | HandleCommand (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
Getters | |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | GetMenuSelectionSignal () |
Registration | |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, CP_CommandStatusSignal *inCommandStatus) |
void | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_CommandHandlerSignal *inCommandHandler, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, SInt32 inCommandFlags) |
CP_CommandStatusSignal * | RegisterUpdateStatusHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_CommandHandlerSignal * | RegisterCommandHandler (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
bool | IsRegisteredCommand (CP_CommandNo inCommand) const |
void | ReplaceCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand, CP_Command *inCommand) |
void | UnRegisterCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
CP_Command * | GetCommand (CP_CommandNo inOSCommand) |
Command Status | |
OSStatus | HandleCommandUpdateStatus (HICommand inCommand, CP_Menu *inMenu=NULL) |
OSStatus | UpdateCommandStatusOS (CP_CommandStatus inCommandStatus, bool inResult, HICommand inCommand) |
Getters | |
CP_IDropSource * | GetIDropSource () |
CP_IDataObject * | GetIDataObject () |
Drag Target List | |
void | AddDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
void | RemoveDragTarget (CP_M_DragTarget *inDragTarget, CP_Window *inWindow) |
Drag Target | |
bool | CanAcceptDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | HiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
virtual void | UnhiliteDropArea (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Subviews | |
void | AddSubviewToList (CP_View *inSubView) |
virtual void | DeleteSubViews () |
virtual void | DeleteSubView (CP_View *inSubView, bool inDeleteSubViews=true, bool inDeleteSubView=true) |
void | RemoveSubView (CP_View *inSubView) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const CP_Point &inWhere, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
CP_View * | FindSubView (const UInt32 inViewID, bool inRecrusive=kCP_NoRecrusiveSearch) |
bool | ContainsSubView (CP_View *inView, bool inRecrusive) |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static void | Connect (CP_Object *sender, const CP_String &signalName, CP_Object *receiver, const CP_String &slotName, const bool reciprocal=false) |
static void | Connect (CP_Object *sender, CP_Object *receiver, const bool reciprocal=false, const CP_String &signalName=kCP_Signal_ValueChanged, const CP_String &slotName=kCP_Slot_SetValue) |
Persistance | |
static CP_M_Persist * | PersistCreator () |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual void | FinishInitFromOSControl (OSControl) |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop)=0 |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
virtual void | HandleControlColor (CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDragWin (LPDATAOBJECT pIDataSource, DWORD grfKeyState, POINTL pt, LPDWORD pdwEffect) |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Drawing | |
virtual void | OnDraw (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Region &inUpdateArea) |
void | DrawOneItem (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Rect &inBounds, const CP_S_WindoListItemInfo &inColumnInfo, bool inIsSelected, bool inIsPressed) |
void | CalcRects (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, CP_Rect &inBounds, const CP_S_WindoListItemInfo &inColumnInfo, CP_Rect &inOutTextBounds, CP_Rect &inOutImageBounds) |
void | DrawColumnDivider (CP_Canvas &inCanvas, const CP_Rect &inBounds) |
Events | |
virtual void | InitEventHandler (CP_EventHandler &inEventHandler) |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnInitPersist (CP_View *inSuperview, CP_DataValueList &inDataValueList) |
Focus | |
virtual void | OnLosingFocus () |
Persistance | |
virtual void | OnFinishPersist () |
Initialization | |
virtual void | CreateImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize, bool inCreateImp=false) |
Drag and Drop | |
virtual bool | OnCanAcceptDrag (UInt32 inItem, CPLAT::CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Frame | |
virtual void | OnBoundsChanged (const CP_Rect &inPreviousBounds, const CP_Rect &inNewBounds) |
Drag Target | |
virtual WindowRef | GetDragWindow () |
virtual CPLAT::CP_Region | GetDropRegion () |
virtual bool | PtInDropArea (CPLAT::CP_Point &inGlobalPoint) |
Flavor | |
virtual void | AddFlavor (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, FlavorType inFlavor, const void *inData, SInt32 inSize, UInt32 inFlags=0, UInt32 inItem=0) |
Tracking | |
virtual void | TrackDrag (CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop, CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
OLE interface | |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpstg) |
virtual HRESULT | OnQueryGetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetDataHere (LPFORMATETC lpfe, LPSTGMEDIUM lpst) |
virtual HRESULT | OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc (LPFORMATETC lpout, LPFORMATETC lpin) |
virtual HRESULT | OnSetData (LPFORMATETC lpfe, STGMEDIUM *lpst, BOOL fRelease) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDAdvise (FORMATETC *lpfe, DWORD dw, LPADVISESINK lpas, DWORD FAR *lpdw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnDUnadvise (DWORD dw) |
virtual HRESULT | OnEnumDAdvise (LPENUMSTATDATA *lpen) |
Appearance | |
virtual void | ShowSubs () |
virtual void | HideSubs () |
Static Protected Member Functions | |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Drag Manager callbacks | |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragTrackingCallback (DragTrackingMessage inMessage, WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
static pascal OSErr | HandleDragReceiveCallback (WindowPtr inOSWindow, void *inRefCon, DragReference inDragRef) |
Tracking | |
static void | HandleTrackInWindow (WindowPtr inOSWindow, CP_DragDrop &inDragDrop) |
Protected Attributes | |
CP_WindowListItem_Array * | fItems |
kCP_E_WindowHeaderStyle | fStyle |
bool | fSortDirection |
UInt32 | fCommand |
SInt32 | fValue |
SInt32 | fMinimum |
SInt32 | fMaximum |
CP_DataValueSignal | fValueChangedSignal |
CP_DataValueSignal | fClickedSignal |
CP_DataValueSlot | fSetValueSlot |
CP_RGBColor | fForeColor |
CP_RGBColor | fBackColor |
bool | fIsContainer |
OSWindow | fToolTipWindow |
GtkWidget * | fContentAreaContainer |
CP_Point | fPrintLocation |
CP_Size | fPrintSize |
bool | fIsFocused |
CP_DataValueSignal | fFocusChangedSignal |
CP_View_Imp_Base * | fViewImpBase |
CP_EventHandler | fDummyEventHandler |
UInt32 | fCommandID |
CP_SmartPtr< CP_FrameAdapter > | fFrameAdapter |
UInt32 | fFlags |
CP_ViewBackground * | fViewBackground |
CP_DataValueSignal | fBoundsChangedSignal |
CP_DataValueSignal | fShowSignal |
CP_DataValueSignal | fHideSignal |
CP_DataValueSignal | fActivateSignal |
CP_DataValueSignal | fDeactivateSignal |
CP_DataValueSignal | fEnableSignal |
CP_DataValueSignal | fDisableSignal |
CP_DataValueSlot | fShowSlot |
CP_DataValueSlot | fHideSlot |
CP_DataValueSlot | fActivateSlot |
CP_DataValueSlot | fDeactivateSlot |
CP_DataValueSlot | fEnableSlot |
CP_DataValueSlot | fDisableSlot |
CP_Signals_Array * | fSignals |
CP_Slots_Array * | fSlots |
FourCharCode | fObjectID |
CP_Commands_Array * | fCommands |
CP_MenuSelectionSignal * | fMennuSelectionSignal |
sender_set | fSenders |
CP_IDropSource * | fIDropSource |
CP_IDataObject * | fIDataObject |
FORMATETC * | fDataFormats |
DWORD | fNumberFormats |
CP_Enumerator * | fEnumerator |
CP_DataStream | fData |
CP_Window * | fWindow |
bool | fDropAreaIsHilited |
bool | fCanAcceptCurrentDrag |
OSWindow | fTargetWindow |
CDropTarget * | fDropTarget |
CP_Point | fDropPoint |
CP_SubViews_List * | fSubViews |
Static Protected Attributes | |
static FourCharCode | fObjectIDCount = 0 |
static CP_DragTarget_List * | fsDragTargetList = NULL |
static CP_M_DragTarget * | fsCurrentDragTarget = NULL |
static bool | fsDragHasLeftSender = false |
Private Member Functions | |
Slots | |
void | HandleControlHitEvent (CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
void | HandleMouseUpEvent (CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
Events | |
void | HandleClickInColumn (const CP_Point &inLocalMouseClick) |
Misc | |
SInt16 | FindColumnFromPoint (const CP_Point &inLocalMouseClick) |
Initialization | |
void | CreatePlatformImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize) |
Initialization | |
void | CreatePlatformImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize) |
Initialization | |
void | HandleValueChangedEvent (CP_Event_Base &inEvent) |
Initialization | |
void | CreatePlatformImp (CP_View *inSuperview, const CP_Point &inUpperLeft, const CP_Size &inContentSize) |
Constructor. Create a pane with the upper left corner at inLocation, and the content size of inSize.
Returns the current sort direction.
Set the CP_S_WindowListItemInfo structure for an existing column. Use this to replace the information for a particular existing column.
Return the number of items (columns) in this list header. |
CP_M_Persist function to create an instance of this button. Called from our CP_PersistManager class to create persistant object from a stream.
Reimplemented from CP_View. |
Sets the current sort direction. inSortDirection The current sorting direction.
Reimplemented from CP_View_Imp. |
Initialize the event handler for events that this class will handle.
Reimplemented from CP_PlatformControl. |
Called from the persistance classes once an object has been created, and now needs to be initialized. This method is used to initialize the data members of the class from the passed in CP_DataValueList which contains fields to initialize a data member. Once the data members have been initialized, a platforms implementation is created through the CreatePlatformImp() method.
Reimplemented from CP_View. |
Called when the mouse goes down in this control.
Called when the mouse is released in this control.
Create the MacOS implementation of the window list header control.
Called when the value of the control is changed.
Returns the underlying platforms native OS control that provides the interface between CPLAT and the underlying OS.
Reimplemented from CP_View. |
Called when the control is clicked, and the control has beenn assigned a command.
Reimplemented in CP_BevelButton, CP_BevelButton, CP_CheckBox, CP_CheckGroupBox, CP_DisclosureButton, CP_DisclosureButton, CP_DisclosureButton, CP_DisclosureTriangle, CP_DisclosureTriangle, CP_EditField, CP_IconControl, CP_IconControl, CP_LittleArrows, CP_PictureControl, CP_PictureControl, CP_PopupButton, CP_PopupMenu, CP_RadioButton, CP_RoundButton, CP_RoundButton, CP_RoundButton, and CP_SegmentView. |
Reimplemented in CP_EditField. |
Sets the commannd associated with this control.
Reimplemented in CP_StaticText. |
Sets the title or text of the control.
Reimplemented in CP_StaticText. |
Returns the current value of this control.
Reimplemented in CP_EditField, CP_ProgressBar, CP_ScrollBar, and CP_Slider. |
Sets the current value of this control.
Reimplemented in CP_CheckBox, CP_EditField, CP_PopupMenu, CP_ProgressBar, CP_RadioButton, CP_RadioGroup, CP_RadioGroup, CP_ScrollBar, CP_Slider, CP_StaticText, and CP_TabView. |
Returns the minimum value allowed for this control.
Reimplemented in CP_ProgressBar, CP_ScrollBar, and CP_Slider. |
Sets the minimum value allowed for this control.
Reimplemented in CP_ProgressBar, CP_ScrollBar, and CP_Slider. |
Returns the maximum value allowed for this control.
Reimplemented in CP_ProgressBar, CP_ScrollBar, and CP_Slider. |
Sets the maximum value allowed for this control.
Reimplemented in CP_ProgressBar, CP_ScrollBar, and CP_Slider. |
Gets some data for the MacOS platform control.
Sets some data for the MacOS platform control.
Show this view.
Reimplemented from CP_View_Imp. Reimplemented in CP_Window_Imp, CP_Window_Imp, CP_DrawerWindow, CP_QT_MovieView, CP_SheetWindow, CP_TabView, CP_Window, and CP_Window_Imp. |
Hide this view.
Reimplemented from CP_View_Imp. Reimplemented in CP_Window_Imp, CP_Window_Imp, CP_DrawerWindow, CP_QT_MovieView, CP_SheetWindow, CP_TabView, CP_Window, and CP_Window_Imp. |
Activate this view.
Reimplemented from CP_View_Imp. Reimplemented in CP_QT_MovieView, and CP_TextView. |
Deactivate this view.
Reimplemented from CP_View_Imp. Reimplemented in CP_QT_MovieView, and CP_TextView. |
Enable this view.
Reimplemented from CP_View_Imp. Reimplemented in CP_QT_MovieView. |
Disable this view.
Reimplemented from CP_View_Imp. Reimplemented in CP_QT_MovieView. |
Called when the bounds of this view has changed.
Reimplemented from CP_View_Imp. Reimplemented in CP_Scroller, and CP_Splitter. |
Sets the help string displayed for this view.
Sets the help string displayed for this view.
Moves the view by the distance specified in the passed in point parameter. All subviews of this view will also move along with the view.
Sets the location of this view relative to its superview.
Reimplemented from CP_View_Imp. Reimplemented in CP_Window_Imp, and CP_Window. |
Sets the size of this view.
Reimplemented from CP_View_Imp. Reimplemented in CP_Window_Imp, and CP_Window. |
Called when the user wants to print the contents of this view. The default is to call the OnDraw method of the view to use the same drawing for both printing and user interface. Override if you want to handle drawing differently when printing.
Count and return the number of tiles needed to print this view. NOTE: In order to print a pane/view that is larger than the printed page, we divide our view up into tiles that our the size of each page. Subclasses need to override this if they are larger than the page size. This default is to return 1 for each of the horizontal and vertical tiles.
Returns the bounds of this view in local coordinates when printing. The user can change the bounds of the view when printing by calling SetPrintLocation, SetPrintSize which can be different than used to draw into a window.
Adds the passed in view to our list of views.
Reimplemented from CP_View_Imp. |
Returns true if this view is visible.
Reimplemented from CP_View_Imp. Reimplemented in CP_Window_Imp. |
Returns true if this view is active.
Reimplemented from CP_View_Imp. Reimplemented in CP_Window_Imp. |
Returns true if this view is enhabled.
Reimplemented from CP_View_Imp. |
Reimplemented in CP_TextView. |
This is called after the containing window and all of its subviews have been created. This gives each view a chance to perform any needed operations after the window and subviews have been created, but before the window is made visible to the user.
Reimplemented from CP_M_Persist. Reimplemented in CP_TabView. |
Initializes this view from a superview and an existing platform OSControl.
Called when the view needs to setup its foreground and background colors for drawing. This is called during drawing when the OS needs to setup the correct colors for the AppearanceManager. Normally you don't need to call this yourself.
Reimplemented in CP_BackgroundView, and CP_TabView. |
Handle any Windows specific message for this pane. This is the routine that is called from the windows pane handler. You need override the protected OnHandleWinProcMessage method to handle the specific messages you need to in your class. This method will catch any exceptions thrown in your methods to prevent propagating into the Windows callback.
Reimplemented in CP_CheckGroupBox. |
Reimplemented in CP_Window_Imp. |
Reimplemented in CP_Window_Imp. |
Converts the passed in point from global to port coordinates.
Reimplemented in CP_Window_Imp. |
Converts the passed in point from global to local coordinates.
Converts the passed in point from port to local coordinates.
Reimplemented in CP_Window_Imp. |
Reimplemented in CP_Window_Imp. |
Sets some user data for this view. This is used to allow users to attach some data to a CP_View object.
Reimplemented in CP_Window_Imp. |
GetData method. Caller is asking if we can supply data in a given format and medium. Subclasses should override the OnGetData method to return the data.
Sets some user data for this view. This is used to allow users to attach some data to a CP_View object.
Reimplemented in CP_Window_Imp. |
SetData method. Calls OnSetData which you should override if needed.
Reimplemented from CP_M_DragTarget. |
Return the event handler for this view implementation. This will be the OS implentation event handler.
Reimplemented in CP_Window_Imp, CP_MDIFrameWindow, and CP_Window_Imp. |
Return the CP_Window that contains this pane.
Reimplemented in CP_Window. |
Return the superview of this view.
Return the local bounds of this pane. This will always have the top left corner at location 0, 0.
Reimplemented in CP_Window_Imp, and CP_Window_Imp. |
Return the local bounds of this pane. This is the bounds of the pane in port coordinates.
Reimplemented in CP_Window_Imp, and CP_Window_Imp. |
Reimplemented in CP_Window_Imp, and CP_Scroller. |
Return the location of this pane. This is the panes location relative its superviews top left corner.
Reimplemented in CP_Window_Imp. |
Return the size of this pane.
Reimplemented in CP_Window_Imp, and CP_Window_Imp. |
Used when the user needs to draw into a view at times other than the normal drawing times. This will setup the view for drawing into, and return a canvas object suitable for use.
Reimplemented in CP_QT_MovieView. |
Call after the drawing is complete to free up system resources.
CP_View_Imp method called from the user panes callback. This calls the virtual OnDraw function which users override to do the actual drawing in their panes.
Cause the passed in area of this pane to become invalid and force the OS to create an update event to redraw that portion.
Cause the passed in area of this pane to become invalid and force the OS to create an update event to redraw that portion.
Cause the view to redraw itself on the next chance it gets. This will mark the view as dirty, and redraw itself the next time the underlying OS updates dirty views. If used in a loop, the view will not be redrawn untill the underlying OS can process an event.
Reimplemented in CP_Window_Imp. |
Sets the frame adapter for this view. The frame adapter determines how a view will resize and reposition itself when the superview that contains it changes bounds.
Sets the command id associated with this view. This will be the command sent out when the control is clicked on.
Sets the bounds of this view in port coordinates.
Reimplemented in CP_Window_Imp. |
Tests this view to see if it contains the passed in point, which is in port coordinates.
Creates the MacOS user pane control that performs all drawing and other interaction between this class and the MacOS ControlManager
Linux - Returns true if this view supports drag and drop. This default implementation just returns true if the CP_E_ViewFlags_SupportsDragAndDrop is set, and does not check the contents of the drag and drop. Users should override this to perform a check on the contents of the drag and drop to determine if an item is acceptable.
Called when the bounds of this view has changed.
Reimplemented in CP_OpenGLView, and CP_QT_MovieView. |
Slot to disable a view. Reimplemented in CP_SelectColorButton, CP_Splitter, and CP_TableView. |
MacOS - Called when the user is holding the mouse down, and moving it in this view. This will track the mouse until the user has released the mouse button. The last part the mouse was over when the user has released the mouse button is returned.
Reimplemented in CP_SelectColorButton, CP_Splitter, CP_TableView, and CP_TV_DataBrowser. |
MacOS - Called when some action is causing this view to become focused. This default implementation returnns kControlNoPart.
Reimplemented in CP_TableView. |
Reimplemented in CP_TableView. |
MacOS - Returns the WindowRef of our containing window when the user has dragged an object over it.
MacOS - Returns the region of our target view that can accept the object that is currently over this view. The default implementation returns the the entire view bounds. Users can override if they want to only have a portion of the view act as a drop area.
Implements CP_M_DragTarget. |
Returns true if the passed in global point is over this drag target.
Windows - Returns the background color of this view. The default is to return white. Other views that have a colored background will return the controls color for that view.
Reimplemented in CP_TabView, and CP_Window. |
Windows - Handles the Windows control color event to setup and return an HBRUSH that corresponds to the correct background color to use.
Reimplemented in CP_EditField. |
Linux - Called when the user has pressed the mouse down in this view. Subclasses need to override to do any useful processing.
Reimplemented in CP_BevelButton, CP_DisclosureButton, CP_DisclosureButton, CP_DisclosureButton, CP_DisclosureTriangle, CP_DisclosureTriangle, CP_IconControl, CP_IconControl, CP_PictureControl, CP_PictureControl, CP_PopupButton, CP_RoundButton, CP_RoundButton, CP_RoundButton, CP_Splitter, and CP_TextView. |
Linux - Called when the user has released the mouse in this view. Subclasses need to override to do any useful processing.
Reimplemented in CP_BevelButton, CP_DisclosureButton, CP_IconControl, CP_PictureControl, CP_PopupButton, and CP_RoundButton. |
Finish initializing our object. Calls OnInitPersist to do the actual work.
Called when we have constructed our persist objects and are now giving each one a chance to finish up. Calls OnFinishPersist to do the actual work.
Sets the identifier for this object. If a specific identifier is not set with this function, then a default id is used, which is simply a running count of the number of objects created.
Returns the objects identifier.
Registers the signal / signal name contained in the passed in inSignal object.
Finds the CP_DataValueSignal object that matches the passed in inSignalName.
Returns the number of signals for this object.
Returns the signal name of the passed in signal index.
Registers the slot / slot name contained in the passed in inSlot object.
Finds the CP_Slot1 object that matches the passed in inSlotName.
Returns the number of slots for this object.
Returns the slot name of the passed in signal index.
Updates the status of a command.
Updates the status of a command based on the current state of the application.
Handles the processing of a command. If the command has been registered with this class, then its signal will be called. If the command has not been registered, then this function does nothing with the passed in command.
Signal called when a menu item is selected with no associated command. |
Returns the signal called when a menu item is selected and has no command associated with it.
Registers the passed in command. This places the command in a list of commands we will handle updating the status for, and when called executing the signal registered for the command.
Registers the passed in command. This places the command in a list of commands we will handle updating the status for, and when called executing the signal registered for the command.
Registers the passed in command. This places the command in a list of commands we will handle updating the status for. You are returned the signal object that you need to connect your slot to.
Registers the passed in command, returning the command status signal. If the command already exists, we will return the existing command status signal if there is one, otherwise we create a new signal, and return that signal. If there is already a signal, then return the existing signal.
Registers the passed in command, returning the command handling signal. If the command already exists, we will return the existing command handler signal if there is one, otherwise we create a new signal, and return that signal. If there is already a signal, then return the existing signal.
Returns true if the passed in command is known to this class.
Replaces a CP_Command for the passed in command number.
Unregisters a command.
Returns the CP_Command object associated with the passed in command number.
MacOS - Handles the processing of the passed in HICommand. This will translate the HICommand into a CPLAT CP_CommandNo for processing and updating the status of the command.
Tracks the drag by calling on the OS to handle the drag.
Tracks the drag by calling on the OS to handle the drag.
Return the CP_IDropSource object for the Windows OLE IDropSource interface . |
Return the CP_IDataObject object for the Windows OLE IDataObject interface . |
GetDataHere method.
Return a FORMATETC enumerator object to enumerate over the types of formats we supply.
GetCanonicalFormatEtc method.
Caller is asking for data in a specified format.
DAdvise method. Calls OnDAdvise which you should override if needed.
DAdvise method. Calls OnDUnadvise which you should override if needed.
DAdvise method. Calls OnEnumDAdvise which you should override if needed.
Empty the list of data flavors currently being stored.
GetData Method. Caller is asking if we can supply data in a given format and medium. If your data is in a format other than kCP_E_ClipboardFormat_DataStream you need to override this to provide your data.
GetData Method. Caller is asking if we can supply data in a given format. If your data is in a format other than kCP_E_ClipboardFormat_DataStream you need to override this to provide your data.
OnGetDataHere method. Returns E_NOTIMPL. Subclasses need to override if they implement.
OnGetCanonicalFormatEtc method. Returns E_NOTIMPL. Subclasses need to override if they implement.
OnSetData method. Returns E_NOTIMPL. Subclasses need to override if they implement.
OnDAdvise method. Returns E_NOTIMPL. Subclasses need to override if they implement.
OnDUnadvise method. Returns E_NOTIMPL. Subclasses need to override if they implement.
OnEnumDAdvise method. Returns E_NOTIMPL. Subclasses need to override if they implement.
Adds the passed in CP_M_DragTarget to the global list of drag targets that this object maintains. This is the list of objects that get checked during a drag and drop operation to see if the object can receive the dropped object when the mouse if over the target object.
Removes a previously added CP_M_DragTarget object. This is called for you automatically when aa CP_M_DragTarget object is destroyed. However you can call this at other times, if you want to remove an object as a postential drop target for drag and drops.
Screen location where drop occurred. |
Called when the drag enters a new drop area. This is used to show the MacOS default drag hiliting.
Called when the drag leaves a drop area. This is used to remove the MacOS default drag hiliting.
Callback to the MacOS Drag Manager that is called during a drag and drop tracking operation.
Callback to the MacOS Drag Manager when the user has dropped an object over a drag target.
Finds and returns the CP_M_DragTarget that is in the passed in OSWindow at the passed in mouse location. The mouse location is in global coordinates. If no target was found at the passed in location, then NULL is returned.
Called when the user has entered a registered drag target object.
Called when we are entering a new drag target. |
Called when the user is has left the current drag target object.
Called when we leave the current target. |
Called when the user is tracking or moving the mouse during a drag and drop operationn.
Called when the user is dragging an object around in a window. This is called from the MacOS Drag Manager callback.
Register a Windows HWND as a possible target for dropping objects onto.
Called while we are dragging over the target object. |
Called when the data is dropped onto the target object. Subclasses need to override this method. |
Return true if this object can accept the dropped data. Subclasses need to override. |
Adds the passed in subView to our list of subViews. If the View is already in the list, it is not added another time.
Delete all of our sub Views and the list that tracks them.
Delete one of our subViews.
Remove the passed in subView from our list of subViews.
Find the sub View containing our passed in point. The search beings at the end of the list of subViews. The subView list is in order that the subViews where added to the view, not necessarily by location.
Find the sub View containing our passed in View id. The search beings at the end of the list of subViews. The subView list is in order that the subViews where added to the view, not necessarily by location. This will return the last subView added with the passed in id in case of multiple subViews with the same id.
Returns true if this subview contains the passed in CP_View object. If the inRecrusive flag is set and the view is not found in the outter view, the search continues in subviews until the match is found, or all views and sub views have been searched.
Show the window.
Hide the window.
The command sent when the control is clicked. |
Signal sent when the value changes. |
Signal sent when the control is clicked. |
Reimplemented in CP_Window_Imp. |
Gtk container widget that all subviews are contained in for this view. |
Object that actually implements the pane. |
Dummy event handler if the view imp has not been created. |
The command associated with this view / control. |
Signal sent when the bounds of this view change. |
Signal sent when the view is becoming visible. |
Signal sent when the view is becoming hidden. |
Signal sent when the view is becoming active. |
Signal sent when the view is becoming inactive. |
Signal sent when the view is becoming enabled. |
Signal sent when the view is becoming disable. |
Slot to show a view. |
Slot to hide a view. |
Slot to activate a view. |
Slot to deactivate a view. |
Slot to enable a view. |
List of registered signals for this object. |
List of registered slots for this object. |
Object identifier. |
List of commands managed by this class. |
Windows OLE IDropSource interface object. |
Windows OLE IDataObject interface object. |
Array of FORMATETC structure with desired formats. |
Number of FORMATETC structures. |
CP_Enumerator object. |
Windows HWND for the target. |
OLE drop target interface object. |