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CP_TimeZone.cpp File Reference


bool IsLeapYear (UInt16 nYear)
static UInt16 GetMonthDays (UInt16 nMonth, UInt16 nYear)
static bool CheckIfDateIsDaylight (const SYSTEMTIME *theTime, const SYSTEMTIME *standardTime, const SYSTEMTIME *daylightTime)

Function Documentation

bool IsLeapYear UInt16  nYear  ) 

static UInt16 GetMonthDays UInt16  nMonth,
UInt16  nYear

static bool CheckIfDateIsDaylight const SYSTEMTIME *  theTime,
const SYSTEMTIME *  standardTime,
const SYSTEMTIME *  daylightTime

Returns the number of days in each month

It will take care of the leap year in which case for february it will return 29
nMonth One based index of the month to ask for days number (January is 1, February is 2, ...)
inName The year for which we ask for month days (could be a leap year)
UInt16 Number the days in the month

Generated on Sat Sep 17 20:01:17 2005 for CPLAT by  doxygen 1.4.0