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CP_Strings Namespace Reference

A group of functions to load strings from resources. More...

Get a localized string from the common table.

CP_String GetLocalizedString (const char *inKey, const char *inComment)
CP_String GetLocalizedString (const CP_String &inKey, const char *inComment)

Get a localized string from a specific table.

CP_String GetLocalizedStringFromTable (const char *inKey, const char *inTable, const char *inComment)
CP_String GetLocalizedStringFromTable (const CP_String &inKey, const char *inTable, const char *inComment)


CP_String GetString (SInt16 inResID, SInt16 inIndex)
CP_String _CP_GetLocalizedString (const CP_String &inString)
CP_String _CP_GetLocalizedString (const char *inString)
CP_String _CP_GetLocalizedString_FromTable (const CP_String &inString, const CP_String &inTable)
CP_String _CP_GetLocalizedString_FromTable (const CP_String &inString, const char *inTable)
CP_String _CP_GetLocalizedString_FromTable (const char *inString, const char *inTable)
CP_String _CP_GetLocalizedString_FromTable (const char *inString, const CP_String &inTable)

Function Documentation

CP_String CP_Strings::GetString SInt16  inResID,
SInt16  inIndex

Loads a string resource from the resource with the passed in inResID, and inIndex into the string resource.

inResID Resource id of the strings resource.
inIndex Index of the string in the strings resource.
CP_String Returns a CP_String containing the string data. Returns an empty string if the string is not found.

CP_String GetLocalizedString const char *  inKey,
const char *  inComment

Pseudo API to get a localized string from the common string table. Fetches the string specified by inKey from the common string table (e.g. Localizable.strings on Mac OS). The comment parameter is only used by the genstrings tool to construct the string tables. It's hidden from the compiler using the macros defined below, which map this API to the comment-less private APIs that do the string fetching business.

inKey Specifies which string to fetch.
inComment Comment that will only appear in the string table to help localizers.
CP_String The localized string or the key string if no localized string was found.

CP_String GetLocalizedString const CP_String inKey,
const char *  inComment

CP_String GetLocalizedStringFromTable const char *  inKey,
const char *  inTable,
const char *  inComment

Pseudo API to get a localized string from the speicified string table. Fetches the string specified by inKey from the specified string table (e.g. <name>.strings on Mac OS). The comment parameter is only used by the genstrings tool to construct the string tables. It's hidden from the compiler using the macros defined below, which map this API to the comment-less private APIs that do the string fetching business.

inKey Specifies which string to fetch.
inTable Specifies which string table to use (i.e. the name of the string table file).
inComment Comment that will only appear in the string table to help localizers.
CP_String The localized string or the key string if no localized string was found.

CP_String GetLocalizedStringFromTable const CP_String inKey,
const char *  inTable,
const char *  inComment

CP_String _CP_GetLocalizedString const CP_String inString  ) 

CP_String _CP_GetLocalizedString const char *  inString  ) 

CP_String _CP_GetLocalizedString_FromTable const CP_String inString,
const CP_String inTable

CP_String _CP_GetLocalizedString_FromTable const CP_String inString,
const char *  inTable

CP_String _CP_GetLocalizedString_FromTable const char *  inString,
const char *  inTable

CP_String _CP_GetLocalizedString_FromTable const char *  inString,
const CP_String inTable

Generated on Sat Sep 17 20:02:40 2005 for CPLAT by  doxygen 1.4.0