Classes | |
class | VersionParser |
Functions | |
void | CP_FlipFlopFlag (SInt16 *inFlag, SInt16 inStyle) |
void | CP_FormatHexDigit (UInt8 inByte, char *outBuffer) |
UInt8 | CP_HexDigitToByte (const char *inBuffer) |
char | CP_HexDigitToChar (const char *inBuffer) |
void | CP_LongToHex (const SInt32 inLong, const bool inShowAs24Bits, char *inOutBuffer, SInt16 inOutBufferLength) |
void | CP_CopyMemory (const void *srcPtr, void *dstPtr, const UInt32 inBytesToCopy) |
void | CP_SetMemory (const void *srcPtr, const UInt32 inNumBytes, const unsigned char value) |
bool | CP_AreBlocksEqual (const void *inLeftBlock, const void *inRightBlock, UInt32 inLength) |
void | CP_FillWithGarbage (void *ptr, const UInt32 inLength) |
void | CP_Beep (bool simple) |
bool | CP_IsKeyDown (SInt16 inWhichKey) |
UInt32 | CP_CStrLength (const char *inString) |
UInt32 | CP_WStrLength (const CPUniChar *inStr) |
void | CP_CToPString (const char *inString, unsigned char *outString) |
void | CP_PToCString (const CP_String &inString, unsigned char *outString, UInt16 inMaxLength) |
void | CP_PToCString (const unsigned char *inString, char *outString, UInt16 outMaxStringLength) |
void | CP_CopyCStrings (const char *inString, char *inDestString, UInt32 maxDestStringLength=kCP_PStyleString_MaxLength) |
void | CP_AppendCString (const char *srcStr, char *destStr) |
void | CP_AppendPString (const unsigned char *srcStr, unsigned char *destStr) |
CP_String | CP_PToString (const unsigned char *inString) |
void | CP_StringToPString (const CP_String &inString, unsigned char *outString, UInt16 inMaxLength=kCP_PStyleString_MaxLength) |
void | CP_StringToCString (const CP_String &inString, char *outString, UInt32 inMaxLength) |
CP_String | CP_CStringToString (const char *inString) |
CP_String | CP_StringToUpper (const CP_String &inString) |
CP_String | CP_StringToLower (const CP_String &inString) |
CP_String | CP_IntToString (int inInteger) |
CP_String | CP_SInt16ToString (const SInt16 inSInt16) |
CP_String | CP_UInt16ToString (const UInt16 inUInt16) |
CP_String | CP_SInt32ToString (SInt32 inSInt32) |
CP_String | CP_UInt32ToString (const UInt32 inUInt32) |
CP_String | CP_SInt64ToString (const SInt64 inSInt64) |
CP_String | CP_UInt64ToString (const UInt64 inUInt64) |
CP_String | CP_FloatToString (const float inFloat) |
CP_String | CP_FourCharCodeToString (const FourCharCode inCode) |
CP_String | CP_BytesToHexString (const void *inBytes, SInt32 inNumBytes, SInt16 inWordLength=0, SInt16 inLeadingSpaces=0, SInt32 inBreakLineAfterChars=-1) |
CP_String | CP_VersionToString (const UInt32 inVersion) |
SInt16 | CP_StringToSInt16 (const CP_String &inString) |
UInt16 | CP_StringToUInt16 (const CP_String &inString) |
SInt32 | CP_StringToSInt32 (const CP_String &inStringData) |
UInt32 | CP_StringToUInt32 (const CP_String &inStringData) |
double | CP_StringToDouble (const CP_String &inString) |
float | CP_StringToFloat (const CP_String &inString) |
FourCharCode | CP_StringToFourCharCode (const CP_String &inStringData) |
UInt32 | CP_StringToVersion (const CP_String &inString) |
DescType | CP_StringToDescType (const CP_String &inStringData) |
template<class Collection, class T> | |
bool | member (const Collection &collection, const T &value) |
OSStatus | CP_AEGetDescData (AEDesc &inDesc, DescType &inOutTypeCode, void *inDataBuffer, ByteCount inMaximumSize, ByteCount &inOutActualSize) |
void | CP_RaiseSafeCastException (const char *whichCast) |
void | CP_FormatHexDigit (unsigned char inChar, char *outBuffer) |
Turns inStyle bits of inFlag to their oppositate state.
Return a byte from the passed in hex digit passed in a char buffer. InBuffer should point to a 2 character buffer containing the text representation of the hex digit we want to convert.
Converts the passed in SInt32 value to its hex equivalent, returning in the passed in buffer.
Copies a block of memory from srcPtr to dstPtr, copying the number of bytes specified in inBytesToCopy.
Sets a block of memory pointed to by srcptr to the value contained in inValue, repeating inNumBytes times. For example: CP_SetMemory( buffer, 5, 'A' ); produces a buffer with AAAAA in it.
Returns true if the the passed in left and right blocks of memory match starting at the first position, and going for inLength number of bytes. Passing NULL for either block is save and will cause false to be returned.
Fills the passed in memory block with a garbage value. Designed for force breaks into the debugger, and used in debugging. Under Windows this will fill the block with 0xCC, otherwise 0xA3 is used.
Returns the length of the passed in c-style (NULL terminated) string.
Returns the length of the passed in CPUniChar Unicode style string.
Converts the passed in c style inString to a Pascal style string, and returns the result in outString. If the source string is longer than 255 characters, only the first 255 characters are returned to keep within the 255 char string limit.
Converts the passed in CP_String to a p-style string.
Converts the passed in Pascal style string to a c style string in outString. If the input string is longer than the buffer maximum supplied by the parameter outMaxStringLength, then only outMaxStringLength characters are copied.
Copy inString to inDestString limiting to maxDestStringLength if the source string is longer.
Appends the passed in destStr to the end of the passed in srcStr.
Append one P style string to the end of another.
Converts the passed in p-style string to a CP_String.
Converts the passed in CP_String to a p-style string, returning the results in the passed in outString buffer.
Converts the passed in CP_String to a c-style string, returning the results in the passed in outString buffer.
Converts the passed in c-style string to a CP_String.
Returns a CP_String with all characters converted to upper case from the passed in string.
Returns a CP_String with all characters converted to lower case from the passed in string.
Converts the passed in integer to a CP_String.
Converts the passed in SInt16 to a CP_String.
Converts the passed in UInt16 to a CP_String.
Converts the passed in SInt32 to a CP_String.
Converts the passed in UInt32 to a CP_String.
Converts the passed in SInt64 to a CP_String.
Converts the passed in UInt64 to a CP_String.
Converts the passed in float to a CP_String.
Converts the passed in FourCharCode to a CP_String.
Converts the passed in bytes into hed representation grouped in words
Converts the passed in version number into a string
Converts the passed in string and returns the result as a SInt16.
Converts the passed in string and returns the result as a UInt16.
Converts the passed in string and returns the result as a SInt32.
Converts the passed in string and returns the result as a UInt32.
Converts the passed in string and returns the result as a double.
Converts the passed in string and returns the result as a float.
Converts the passed in CP_String to a FourCharCode. If the passed in string contains less data then a FourCharCode can hold, then the result is returned in the least significant bytes. Example: 'AB' becomes ' AB'
Converts the passed in CP_String to a DescType.
Returns the data from the passed in AEDesc.
Format our inChar into its hex equivalent. Note: outBuffer should point to a buffer 2 characters wide.